Union Cemetery, Leesburg, Loudoun, VA, USA

Latitude: 39.1213835, Longitude: -77.56489269999997 | Click to get directions to Union Cemetery

Abbreviated Placenames
All Burials in Union Cemetery, Leesburg, Loudoun, VA, USA

 #  Name
Died Buried Spouse(s)
1. CLARK, Ralph Anson29 Oct 1893Tully, Onondaga, NY, USA Find all individuals with events at this location2 Dec 1946Leesburg, Loudoun, VA, USA Find all individuals with events at this location5 Dec 1946
2. TRACY, Anna M.3 Jan 1896, , NY, USA Find all individuals with events at this location21 Mar 1973Leesburg, Loudoun, VA, USA Find all individuals with events at this location