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01 <u>Battle Participation of Organizations of the American Expeditionary Forces</u> 
in France, Belgium and Italy, 1917-1918
01 Battle Participation of Organizations of the American Expeditionary Forces in France, Belgium and Italy, 1917-1918
U.S. War Department
Owner of original: Google Books
Date: 18 Aug 2016
02 <u>Beauchamp's Revolutionary Soldiers,</u>
Resident or Dying in Onondaga Co., NY
02 Beauchamp's Revolutionary Soldiers, Resident or Dying in Onondaga Co., NY
With Supplementary List of Possible Veteran
Based on a Pension List of Franklin H. Chase, Syracuse, NY (see #24 below)
Owner of original: Onondaga Historical Association
Date: 1913
03 <u>World War I Serviceman's Glossary</u>
03 World War I Serviceman's Glossary
     Common abbreviations used during the war. Obtained from the NYS Military Museum website.
Owner of original: Washington State Digital Archives
04 <u>Meuse-Argonne Offensive, September 26 to November 11, 1918, 1st Division</u>
04 Meuse-Argonne Offensive, September 26 to November 11, 1918, 1st Division
Original footage of the offensive taken by the US Army Signal Corps.
This is a silent film.
Owner of original: U.S. National Archives
Date: 1918
05 <u>59th Pioneer Infantry Regimental History in WWI</u><br />
    (This is an archived copy as original has moved)
05 59th Pioneer Infantry Regimental History in WWI
    (This is an archived copy as original has moved)

     Although, the information on this external page references the Delaware National Guard, it was also part of the 59th Pioneer Infantry. It is a good read, in that the author (Brig. Gen. Kennard R. Wiggins Jr.) tells of the 59th Regiment's journey from New York to France, their experiences once there and the return home.
     Includes pictures, sources, Company histories. See also (on the TAHS website):
Battle Participation of Organizations of the American Expeditionary Forces in France, Belgium and Italy, 1917-1918
Owner of original:
Date: 18 Aug 2016
06 <u>Birth Years of Veterans</u>
06 Birth Years of Veterans has provided this infographic to help you determine what war your ancestor might have been involved in based on their birth year. There are always exceptions to the rule but this might make it easier.

Owner of original:
Date: 15 Dec 2016
07 <u>History of the 477th Aero Squadron in WWI</u>
07 History of the 477th Aero Squadron in WWI
Follows the movement of the 477th over the course of the war.
08 <u>U. S. Army Medical Dept. Office of Medical History (WWI)</u>
08 U. S. Army Medical Dept. Office of Medical History (WWI)
History of the 105th Ambulance Co, 102nd Sanitary Train.
Owner of original: U. S. Army Medical Dept. Website
Date: 28 Apr 2017
09 <u>Roll of Honor: Citizens of NYS Who Died While in the Service of the United States During WWI</u>
09 Roll of Honor: Citizens of NYS Who Died While in the Service of the United States During WWI
NYS Military Museum & Veterans Research Center Website
NYS Division of Military & Naval Affairs

Searchable Database of Name, Rank, Company, Regt, Date & Cause of Death
Owner of original: NYS Military Museum & Veterans Research Center Website
10 <u>History of Camp Croft, U. S. Army Infantry Replacement Training Center (WWII)</u>
10 History of Camp Croft, U. S. Army Infantry Replacement Training Center (WWII)
     "This site is dedicated to Camp Croft, a WWII Army Infantry Replacement Center located near Spartanburg, SC. Since 2001, this site has served to honor those who worked and trained at Croft from 1940 to 1946 and to memorialize all US military service personnel who have lost their lives in pursuit of American freedom." (Intro from their Home Page)
Owner of original: Ron Crawley
Date: 30 Apr 2017
11 <u>'Tully's Part in the World War'</u>
11 "Tully's Part in the World War"
     This was a summary of Tully's effort to support the World War submitted by the Tully Historian, Mrs. Louis Wheeler, to the NYS Historian. This summary along with the individual experiences, photos and service data collected from local soldiers in the service was requested from the NYS Assembly.
     From the compiled materials, the State Historian was to publish a book entitled: "State of New York in the World War". Unfortunately, funds were never allocated for this and the book was never written but the records are preserved on microfilm and available at the NYS Archives in Albany.
Owner of original: New York State Archives
Date: 1919 - 1938
12 <u>U. S. Navy Rank Abbreviations</u>
12 U. S. Navy Rank Abbreviations
National Cemetery Administration

     See their website for other documents regarding Veteran Headstone & Marker Inscription abbreviations by clicking here. (a new window/tab will open)
Owner of original: U. S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs
13 <u>U. S. Army Rank Abbreviations</u>
13 U. S. Army Rank Abbreviations
National Cemetery Administration

     See their website for other documents regarding Veteran Headstone & Marker Inscription abbreviations by clicking here. (a new window/tab will open)
Owner of original: U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs
14 <u>U. S. Marine Corps Rank Abbreviations</u>
14 U. S. Marine Corps Rank Abbreviations
National Cemetery Administration

     See their website for other documents regarding Veteran Headstone & Marker Inscription abbreviations by clicking here. (a new window/tab will open)
Owner of original: U. S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs
15 <u>U. S. Coast Guard Rank Abbreviations</u>
15 U. S. Coast Guard Rank Abbreviations
National Cemetery Administration

     See their website for other documents regarding Veteran Headstone & Marker Inscription abbreviations by clicking here. (a new window/tab will open)
Owner of original: U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs
16 <u>WWII Abbreviations & Acronyms</u>
16 WWII Abbreviations & Acronyms
Located on the WWII Forums website.
Their homepage is: (a new window/tab will open)
Owner of original: WWII Forums
17 <u>The Veteran's History Project</u>
17 The Veteran's History Project
     "The Veterans History Project (VHP) of the Library of Congress American Folklife Center collects and preserves the firsthand interviews and narratives of United States military veterans from World War I through the present. In addition to audio- and video-recorded oral history interviews, VHP accepts memoirs and collections of original photographs, letters, diaries, maps and other historical documents from veterans who served in the US armed services from World War I through the present.
     The Project makes accessible the materials that comprise this important national archive, which contains submissions from every state, and includes the US territories. VHP relies on volunteers, both individuals and organizations, throughout the nation to contribute veterans’ stories to VHP."
Owner of original: Library of Congress
18 <u>The History of the Medical Dept of the U. S. Navy in WWII, Vol. 2</u>
18 The History of the Medical Dept of the U. S. Navy in WWII, Vol. 2
A Compilation of the Killed, Wounded and Decorated Personel.
Published by the U. S. Navy's Bureau of Medicine and Surgery
Owner of original: U. S. Navy
Date: 1953
19 <u>National WWII Memorial Registry</u>
19 National WWII Memorial Registry
Part of the National WWII Memorial in Washington, D. C. operated by the National Park Service.
     "The memory of America's World War II generation is preserved within the physical memorial and through the World War II Registry, a listing of Americans who contributed to the war effort in uniform and on the home front."
     The databases are from compiled from official U. S. Gov't sources AND unofficial sources compiled from public acknowledgements honoring U. S. citizens who helped to win WWII.
Owner of original: National World War II Memorial
20 <u>Order of Battle, U. S. Army Ground Forces: Pacific Theater of Operations</u>
20 Order of Battle, U. S. Army Ground Forces: Pacific Theater of Operations
     "This volume, prepared as a work of reference and an aid to research, is concerned with the organization and dispostion of U. S. Army ground forces that opposed the Japanese during WWII."
Owner of original: Office of the Chief of Military History, U. S. Army
Date: 1959
21 <u>Order of Battle, U. S. Army Ground Forces: European Theater of Operations</u>
21 Order of Battle, U. S. Army Ground Forces: European Theater of Operations
     "Presented in this volume are command and staff rosters, composition of divisions, attachments and detachments, assignments and attachments to higher units, command post locations and pertinent statistics.
     With some exception, the material presented for each division dates from its arrival in the European Theater to the end of hostilities on May 9, 1945."
Owner of original: U. S. Army Center of Military History
Date: Dec 1945
22 <u>82nd Airborne Victory Parade</u>
22 82nd Airborne Victory Parade
Newsreel of the 82nd Airborne marching down 5th Ave, New York City on Jan 12, 1946.
(This is an external link)
Owner of original: National Archives
Date: 1946
23 <u>Air Force Combat Units of WWII</u>
23 Air Force Combat Units of WWII
     "This book is concerned primarily with the combat (or tactical) groups that were active during the Second World War. Although such groups had numerous designations, nearly all fell within four major categories: bombardment, fighter, reconnaissance, and troop carrier. The book covers both the combat groups that served overseas and those that remained in the United States."
Owner of original: Office of Air Force History
Date: 1983
24a <u>Onondaga's Soldiers of the Revolution</u>
24a Onondaga's Soldiers of the Revolution
Compiled by Frank H. Chase, Sec. of the Onondaga Historical Assoc.
Pub by the Onondaga Historical Assoc. (Syracuse, NY, 1895)
Owner of original: Onondaga Historical Assoc.
Date: 1895
24b <u>Supplement to Onondaga's Soldiers of the Revolution</u>
24b Supplement to Onondaga's Soldiers of the Revolution
by William M. Beauchamp
Owner of original: Onondaga County Historical Society
25 <u>WWII Army & Army Air Force Dead & Missing</u>
25 WWII Army & Army Air Force Dead & Missing
National Archives' Website
Owner of original: National Archives
Date: 23 May 2018
26 <u>WWII Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard Casualties</u>
26 WWII Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard Casualties
National Archives' Website
Owner of original: National Archives
Date: 23 May 2018
27 <u>Women in the Military (WWII)</u>
27 Women in the Military (WWII)
     "Blitzkrieg Baby" website that covers women in all branches of the military, requirements for enlistment, insignia, uniforms, photos, recruitment posters etc.
Owner of original: "Blitzkrieg Baby" website
Date: 23 May 2018
28 <u>U. S. Armed Forces Ranks & Insignia</u>
28 U. S. Armed Forces Ranks & Insignia
Ranks & Insignia for the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines & National Guard.
Owner of original: website
Date: 25 May 2018
29 <u>Military Tracts of Central NY</u>
29 Military Tracts of Central NY
     An article from Central New York Genealogical Society's "Tree Talks" magazine. Presents a short history of New York's military tracts. A listing of Revolutionary War Vets who drew lots in the Tully Military Tract is included.
Owner of original: CNY Genealogical Society
Date: 1964 & 1966
30 <u>All Revolutionary Soldiers Who Drew Lots in Onondaga Co.</u>
30 All Revolutionary Soldiers Who Drew Lots in Onondaga Co.
     A listing of all soldiers who drew lots in the Military lots of Onondaga Co., NY
Owner of original: unknown
31 <u>D-Day and Battle of Normandy Encyclopedia</u>
31 D-Day and Battle of Normandy Encyclopedia
     D-Day Overlord is the first French website dedicated to the Battle of Normandy in terms of content and visits. It allows you to discover in detail both the Normandy landings and the entire 90 days of the Battle of Normandy, from June 6 to August 29, 1944. (It is in English)
Owner of original: D-Day Overlord
Date: 2019
32 <u>Military History of the 505th Infantry Regt.</u>
32 Military History of the 505th Infantry Regt.
External link to The National Museum of the United States Army which has a thorough history of the 505th.
Owner of original: The National Museum of the United States Army
33 <u>The Army Nurse Corps in World War II</u>
33 The Army Nurse Corps in World War II
A Commemoration of WWII Service
Prepared by the US Army Center of Military History
34 <u>History & Lore of the Old World War</u>
34 History & Lore of the Old World War
     Artifacts & Odd Bits From 1914-1918

Wonderful blog filled with incredible amounts of information on WWI including stories from the soldiers themselves. Pictures inside the Base Hospitals & of the staff including Tully's very own, Mary Sheehan who was the Chief Nurse of Base Hospital 115.
     This blog is a must for anyone interested in World War I. Of particular interest: The Scrapbook of an American Army Nurse in WWI
Albert H. Pratt, Sr
Albert H. Pratt, Sr
World War I Draft Registration Card
Date: 5 Jun 1917
Albert H. Pratt, Sr.
Albert H. Pratt, Sr.
World War II Draft Registration Card
Date: 26 Apr 1942
Ambrus A. Granger
Ambrus A. Granger
New York, Abstract of World War I Military Service Card
Owner of original: New York State Archives
Billy Brooks Browning
Billy Brooks Browning
Navy Muster Roll, 1944
Owner of original: National Archives
Date: 1944
Billy Browning Brooks
Billy Browning Brooks
World War II Draft Registration Card, 1942
Owner of original:
Date: 20 Jun 1942
Bravo! The Project
Bravo! The Project
The blog of a Vietnam veteran who was there when Phil Van Deusen's squad came back from Hill 881. He tells of hearing the fight, of the company's reaction to their loss & of how lucky he had been.
Owner of original: Ken Rodgers
Date: 11 Jun 2014
Capt. John A. Bartelt
Capt. John A. Bartelt
Newspaper Clipping during WWII
Owner of original: Bartelt family
Carl E. Fisher
Carl E. Fisher
WWI Draft Registration Card
Date: 5 Jun 1917
Charles H. Bartholomew
Charles H. Bartholomew
WWII Draft Registration Card
Owner of original:
Chester David Beebe
Chester David Beebe
World War II Draft Reg Card
Owner of original:
Date: 1942
Clayton H. Baker
Clayton H. Baker
New York, Abstract of World War I Military Service Card
Owner of original:
Clayton H. Baker
Clayton H. Baker
WW I Draft Registration Card
Date: 5 Jun 1917
Cornelius William Flaherty
Cornelius William Flaherty
New York, Abstract of World War I Military Service Card
Owner of original:
Date: 18 Aug 2016
Cornelius William Flaherty
Cornelius William Flaherty
World War I Draft Registration Card
Owner of original:
Date: 5 Jun 1918
Daniel F. Flanagan
Daniel F. Flanagan
World War II Draft Registration Card, 1942
Owner of original:
Date: 5 Sep 2016

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